George Barbier
Hand-coloured,plate-signed pochoir from Falbalas & Fanfreluches - George Barbier's tour de force for his 1924 Almanac edition. "Summer" is part of his "Four Seasons" suite. The deliberately posed theme is a fashion setting to show the latest neo-Greek dress lines and retro-Egypt-inspired hairstyles that so typified the new (Art Deco) era. Always a bit of quiet satire with Barbier, he poses his models on the curvature of the Earth - and these languorous indulgent demoiselles really are the center of the 1920's Universe. This famous series of illustrated almanacs was produced from 1922 to 1926 only and depicted high-society life in Paris, the fashion, social and artistic capital of the early inter-war years. Each issue contained a small diary and notation section, an introduction by one of the leading social/cultural doyens of the day, a decorative cover and twelve fashion plates (one for each month of the year) hand-coloured via stencil with watercolour/gouache. Further Ref.: "Art Deco Costumes By George Barbier" (Introduction by Madeleine Ginsburg, Curator, V&A Museum, London) Approx.Image Size h. 6.25in X w. 4.125in; h. 15.9cm X w. 10.5cm; Overall h. 9.75in X w. 6.375in; h. 24.8cm X w. 16.2cm