George Barbier
Original, hand-coloured, plate-signed pochoir from Falbalas & Fanfreluches - George Barbier's tour de force for his "Alamnac" of 1924. The proud national fascination with the French invention of the Montgolfier hot-air balloon is given parody in this scene with hat styles of the day behaving as capriciously as the their outrageous balloon under full fire. The flattened effect of the fabric is meant to simply and straightforwardly present for the latest fabric design, those overblown roses as wild as the winds and as refreshing as the New Spirit. (Both Iribe and Poiret took credit for the flattened-rose Art Deco icon, and Poiret took it on as his personal commercial brand.) +++++++ This famous series of illustrated almanacs was produced from 1922 to 1926 only and depicted high-society life in the fashion, social and artistic capital of the early inter-war years in Paris. Each issue contained a small diary and notation section, an introduction by one of the leading social/cultural doyens of the day, a decorative cover and twelve period plates (one for each month of the year)via stencil application watercolour/gouache. Further Ref.: "Art Deco Costumes By George Barbier" (Introduction by Madeleine Ginsburg, Curator, V&A Museum, London) +++++++ Approx.image size: h. 6.25in X w. 4.125in; h. 15.9cm X w. 10.5cm; Overall: h. 9.75in X w. 6.375in; h. 24.8cm X w. 16.2cm